New export manager TBK Group

Micha Bermentoloo takes over the current contacts of Managing Director Bart Kelderman, maintains them and looks for new ones.

New export manager TBK Group 1

Finding foreign distributors is very important to TBK Group now that demand abroad is increasing. That’s why we started looking for an export manager to place CenTrax, Spillage Control and Dust Control with the right distributors. We would like to introduce Micha Bermentloo to you.

Europe will be Micha’s working area next year, with countries such as Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Germany and Spain high on his list. “The focus is now mainly on Europe, because we don’t yet have a dealer in every country,” he explains. “And of course you have to expand in the neighbourhood before you start looking across European borders. That’s what I want to achieve first.”


Micha hopes to take that next step, visiting countries outside Europe, possibly in 2020. The export manager, together with TBK Group, has even more big plans. “Exports have a somewhat longer term planning of about three years. Our goal is to increase export turnover by at least 50% during that time. We also want to have about 4 to 5 distributors. Great goals to work on,” says Micha.

On the floor

As export manager of TBK Group, Micha must be commercially skilled and not be afraid to provide on-site support. “You have to go into the field, do research, advise. Of course, we sell products that are used in machines, so sometimes you are needed on the shop floor. You shouldn’t be afraid of that.”

Micah’s used to all that. During his previous job as a product support engineer, he travelled around the world to visit end customers in Russia, Turkey, West Africa and other countries. “At these locations, I made an inventory of the customer’s machinery and supported the dealer with up-to-date test and measurement data, so that their sales managers can make a good offer with the right products to their customer in a relatively simple manner”. Current and future TBK Group dealers will benefit from its knowledge of foreign markets and its product support.

Expansion TBK Group

Bart Kelderman, managing director of TBK Group, used to take on the tasks of export manager. But now that demand abroad is rising, technical developments are going fast and Kelderman is taking on the overall management of the company, too little time is left for the export part. Micha therefore takes over Kelderman’s current contacts, maintains them and looks for new ones.

More distributors wanted

TBK Group is still looking for distributors for various countries. Are you interested, questions or would you like more information? Read more on our distributors page or contact Micha via or phone 0031 318 745740.



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